用于水泥厂窑头冷却机烟气降温,可有效降低废气量和保护袋收尘器免受高温损坏,也可广泛应用于冶金、 化工、电力等行业烟气降温处理。
Parallel (or intersecting) crossflow heat exchange structure, providing for high heat exchanging efficiency;
Each fan is directly connected to the power source, ensuring high transmission efficiency and low
malfunctioning rate;
Inlet of the heat exchanger tubes is protected against dust by a sleeve from early wear, thus extending its
service life;
Due to its modular structure, each compartment will be shipped as complete unit, thus providing
convenience for on-site erection;
●极限入口温度高达 450℃,适应窑头冷却机的工况
Max. inlet temperature up to 450 ℃ , adaptable to the actual working condition of the cooler.